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Storymoja Smart Beginners Handwritting Level 1
Storymoja Smart Beginners Handwritting Level 1

Storymoja Smart Beginners Handwritting Level 1

Looking for a comprehensive handwriting workbook for your preschooler? Look no further! Smart Beginners Handwriting Level 1 is developed to help young children learn and practise the basic skills needed for handwriting. This book is packed with a wide range of engaging learning activities and experiences. What this book offers you: -A guide on proper writing posture to avoid back pains and form letters well. -Pre-writing body warm-up exercises for readiness. -Proper pencil grip activities to help form letters well and prevent hand fatigue. -Pattern writing for eye-hand coordination and fine motor skills. -Caregiver’s guide on how to support the child. -Letter and number identification for correct reading and writing. -Correct letter and number formation for accurate writing. -Letter sound recognition for associating letters with sounds. -Writing practice to develop skills and apply learning. -An appendix with handwriting teaching tips for additional support. -Designed based on research that highlights the importance of teaching handwriting for young childrens development.

Sold By: Hemm Books
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Category: Books

Looking for a comprehensive handwriting workbook for your preschooler? Look no further! Smart Beginners Handwriting Level 1 is developed to help young children learn and practise the basic skills needed for handwriting. This book is packed with a wide range of engaging learning activities and experiences.

What this book offers you:

-A guide on proper writing posture to avoid back pains and form letters well.

-Pre-writing body warm-up exercises for readiness.

-Proper pencil grip activities to help form letters well and prevent hand fatigue.

-Pattern writing for eye-hand coordination and fine motor skills.

-Caregiver’s guide on how to support the child.

-Letter and number identification for correct reading and writing.

-Correct letter and number formation for accurate writing.

-Letter sound recognition for associating letters with sounds.

-Writing practice to develop skills and apply learning.

-An appendix with handwriting teaching tips for additional support.

-Designed based on research that highlights the importance of teaching handwriting for young childrens development.

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Hemm Books

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  • Mirpur, Dhaka, Bangladesh

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